Technically Saints

Worship & Tech Missionaries

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Freeish In-person Church Tech Consulting and Training

Two Reasons Technically Saints Exists

To see the Church understand, embody, and enjoy

pure worship of God through theology and technology.

To serve the Church through technical training,

project-based support, and system optimization.

The Values Technically Saints is Built Upon

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Please ask God if
you should give
to Technically Saints,
then do what He
tells you to do

The Missionaries

Questions, Comments, Concerns?
Dumb Questions, Comments, Concerns?

Reach out with one of these six specific things… or anything else!

Expanded Step-by-Step Form


Organization Information

Which service(s) are you most interested in?

Select Multiple

Select which issue(s) apply to you

Describe the most concerning issues in detail

How soon would you like our help?

Do you have other questions or concerns?

How did you hear about us?